We will develop your strategy – and help you implement it.  We will analyse your economic considerations – and help you deliver your project.  We will test your policy options – and help design your pathways forward.

What we do

DeltaPearl Partners provides value in two ways—analysis and delivery.

DeltaPearl Partners runs several distinct business units, and maintains a number of critical commercial partnerships, to help deliver maximum value to clients and partners.



  • project due diligence
  • feasibility studies
  • business cases
  • peer reviews
  • gateway reviews
  • economic impact assesments
  • cost-benefit analyses
  • country economic analyses
  • policy options analysis
  • commercial advisory
  • regulatory impact assessments
  • financial and economic modelling
  • economic development strategies
  • demand analysis and forecasting
  • data analytics
  • national economic strategies
  • program monitoring and evaluation
  • sectoral and supply chain analyses
  • economic mapping
  • market entry due diligence
  • financial markets analysis
  • property market analysis
  • economic briefing papers
  • political economy assessments
  • impact investment advisory


  • program delivery
  • project design
  • market design
  • partnership structures
  • secretariat services
  • ongoing economic advisory services
  • technical seminars
  • industry conferences
  • applied research
  • thought leadership services
  • short-course training
  • government approval processes
  • stakeholder engagement
  • in-house chief economist services
  • economic dashboards
  • value capture policy design
  • financial services design
  • regulated pricing options proposals
  • competition policy proposals
  • infrastructure proposal preparation
  • infrastructure advisory services
  • public affairs advisory
  • economic social media programs
  • economic zone design
  • multi-stakeholder dialogue systems
  • peak body organisational design
  • survey design

Tools we use

DeltaPearl Partners applies specialised tools, financial modelling, economic frameworks, data science, sectoral knowledge and extensive professional networks to collaborate with our clients and partners to deliver their agendas and achieve their visions.  We use various tools and frameworks, for example:

  • Cost-Benefit Models
  • Supply Chain Optimisation Models
  • CGE, IO and IOE Models
  • Real Options Models
  • Decision Assist Models
  • Tax Models
  • Demographic models
  • Monte Carlo Models
  • Value Capture Models
  • Budget Models
  • Forecast Models
  • Pricing Models
  • Valuation Models

Why partner with us

DeltaPearl Partners is practical, responsive and informed. We seek to manage and deliver change with expertise, knowledge and precision to provide maximum value.

We focus on developing strategic partnerships with our clients. We see our work as part of a journey with clients.

DeltaPearl Partners operates globally and undertakes its work using a place-based approach.

Who we partner with

We work with national and sub-national governments, infrastructure investors, listed and unlisted companies across all sectors, economic regulators, industry and peak bodies, multilateral institutions, bilateral aid agencies, major professional services firms, multi-stakeholder groups and NGOs.

Meet the team

Directors and Advisors

Craig Wilson

Craig is a co-founder and Managing Director of DeltaPearl Partners. He has more than 30 years of professional and leadership experience. He has worked as a CEO, director, economist, program manager, senior executive, diplomat, thought-leader and advisor. This has taken place across a large range of sectors, often with a strong focus on economic policy, infrastructure advisory and national development, in more than 30 countries. Craig’s early career was in banking and later diplomacy. In 2011 he worked as an advisor to an Australian mining company developing a major new copper-gold project in Indonesia. From 2007 to 2010 he was the CEO of a not-for-profit public company in Australia which had offices and staff in several countries and catalysed a number of major regional economic development initiatives across Asia and the Pacific. Craig worked at the World Bank and International Finance Corporation and other international agencies from 2000 to 2007 and served as a diplomat in the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the 1990s. Immediately before founding DeltaPearl Partners, Craig was Executive Advisor to the Centre for International Economics in Australia and Strategic Advisor to the Aga Khan Development Network in the Middle East. For three years to January 2017, Craig worked in the Australian state of Queensland’s Department of the Premier and Cabinet where he led the Queensland Government’s Economic Policy Group and managed the Queensland Government’s Northern Australia agenda. Craig has co-authored two books which examine the role of business investment in international markets driving economic growth, published by Princeton University Press and Greenleaf Publishing. Craig has a BA in Asian Studies and Economics from Griffith University, a Graduate Certificate in Management from Deakin University and a Masters in International Affairs (Economic Policy) from Columbia University. He is a graduate of the Australia and New Zealand School of Government’s Executive Fellows Program (2015), the Australian Institute of Company Directors Company Directors Course (2008) and the University of Melbourne’s Asialink Australia-Asia New Leaders Program (2003). He has won various scholarships including the Harvard University Society of Australia Scholarship (2009) and the Australia-China Council Beijing Residency Award (2002). He was a joint recipient of Australia Day Achievement Awards in 1995 and 1997.

Bradley Rogers

Brad is a co-founder and Director of DeltaPearl Partners’ Canberra office. He has over 10 years of professional economics and policy experience working for the Centre for International Economics, the Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet where he was the Policy Division’s Principal Economist, Queensland Treasury, the Queensland Treasury Corporation, the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) and Seqwater.

Brad has experience in the application of economic and financial concepts to a wide range of issues across the public and private sectors, including:

  • government policy, program and finance analysis
  • large infrastructure investment assessment and decision advisory
  • impact and design of regulation
  • economic development strategy
  • water, energy and other utilities
  • business valuation, impairment and fair value testing.

Brad’s capabilities and experience includes government program evaluations, legislative and policy reviews, preparing regulatory impact statements, cost benefit analysis, heavy haul rail economic regulatory reviews, capital expenditure evaluations, company valuation, budget modelling and forecast estimates, and economic and statistical analysis.

Brad also has nine years of experience in the Australian Army in a variety of roles including four years’ experience as a Field Engineer. Brad’s military experience combined with his economic financial knowledge and experience gives him a unique and practical understanding of infrastructure, defence, government strategy and logistics issues.

Brad has completed a Degree in Economics, a Masters of Applied Finance and Melbourne University’s Asialink Leaders course.

Lionel Lee

Lionel is a Non-Executive Director of DeltaPearl Partners in Singapore. He provides guidance on matters of strategy, policy, planning, performance and risk management. He is a seasoned board member and senior executive with over 20 years of experience across 15 industries and 22 markets in commercial, investment, public sector and nonprofit leadership roles. He is currently a board member of DPP Holdings, InvesUnited, Platinum Circle and advisor to Heritage Global Capital Fund, Tat Hwa Group, Ease Investments and Q Wealth Management. Lionel has served on the boards, committees, panels and advised more than 25 small to listed companies, public sector and non-government organisations including Cookson Electronics, Tsinghua Tongfang, Ross Human Directions, John Hancock Assurance, IBS Group, Admiralty Investment Holdings, Spa Synergy, Procon Indah, Carpentaria Homes, LaserSmooth, Singapore Productivity and Standards Board, Singapore Economic Development Board, International Enterprise Singapore, Infocomm Investment, New South Wales Department of State and Regional Development, Junior Chamber International, Singapore Institute of Management, Marketing Institute of Singapore, People’s Association Singapore and Amities Sans Frontieres. He was an adjunct lecturer at the University of Western Sydney, Republic Polytechnic Singapore and judge for the University of Melbourne Asialink. He is a recipient of awards and honors including World Economic Forum Young Asian Leader and Member of the New Asia Leader committee on poverty, education and healthcare, Young Ambassador for Opportunity International USA, New Media Champion for People’s Association Singapore and a candidate for Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore.

Dr Peter Hendy

The Honourable Dr Peter Hendy is Strategic Advisor to DeltaPearl Partners. He is a leading public policy analyst with extensive international experience, especially in Asia and the Middle East. His most recent publication is the book Why Australia Slept: Why Australia is in danger of sleep walking into the future (Connor Court Publishing: 2018). He was formerly a minister in the Turnbull Government and has had a distinguished career, including being a former CEO of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and an Executive Director of the Bahraini Economic Development Board in the Middle East. He is a former Chief Economist for an Australian Prime Minister. He is currently an economic consultant and is on the board of a number of companies in addition to being a Commissioner at the Commonwealth Grants Commission. Over the years, his work in government and politics has covered the portfolios of Treasury, Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade, Employment, Industrial Relations, Education and Small Business.

Staff and Associates

Dr Amanda Fitzgibbons

Amanda is Senior Economist with DeltaPearl Partners. She has over 10 years of experience providing policy and economic analysis, research and advice. She also has a broad range of consulting, government and academic work across government agencies, private consulting firms and academia. She has experience in providing high level authoritative economic policy advice across a wide range of areas including coastal adaptation decision pathways and decision support for climate change adaptation. Amanda has a PhD in Economics and Public Policy from the University of Melbourne and First Class Honours in Economics, and a Bachelor of Arts (Major in Economics) from the University of Queensland.

Jyothi Gali

Jyothi Gali is an Executive Economist with over 20 years of experience leading whole-of-economy analysis and providing astute advice based on robust, comprehensive, and transparent analysis. She has been involved, led and managed more than eighty projects related to economic, competition, tax, superannuation, foreign investment, regulatory and infrastructure policies. Her extensive experience includes leading multi-agency teams in delivering organisational objectives on various government and commercial economic projects. She was a key economic modeller at the Australian Treasury and Productivity Commission and has since held executive economist positions at private consultancy firms. She has technical expertise in economic and policy analysis, she is adept at using these skills to accurately picture the study area and build a solid evidence base for policy advice. She advises public and private sector clients using various data analytics and economic modelling frameworks. She developed and used regional input-output, computable general equilibrium (CGE) and macroeconomic models. She built CGE models for Australia, France, Singapore and the Bahamas to provide tax policy advice. She used the Victoria University Regional Model (VURM) to assess climate change policies. She obtained her PhD in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics from the University of Queensland.

  • Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) and Input-Output model development and use for policy analysis (GEMPACK and RunDynam). Built CGE models for Australia, Singapore, France and the Bahamas.
  • Macroeconometric models for forecasting
  • Environmental, trade, tax, industry and regional development policy and regulatory

Dr Paramjit Kaur

Dr Paramjit Kaur is an economist with more than 25 years of experience in consulting and applied research. In her work she aims to assist clients in making better decisions through economic and financial analysis.

Her areas of expertise lie in economic, financial, and regulatory policy analysis across various fields. She has extensive experience with spreadsheet microsimulation models, cost-benefit analysis, financial, and statistical analysis, among other qualitative and quantitative methods to collect and analyse data. Additionally, her experiences include automating processes and developing interactive models and visualisations using various data analytical tools such as Spreadsheets, R, Python, Alteryx and Power BI. Paramjit’s previous position was as a Senior Policy and Data Analyst at Commonwealth Department of Finance in Australia. During her time there, she analysed the impact of social, education, childcare, and school funding policies, as well as concessional loans. She advised the government, through input to research papers, briefs, and submissions, to make informed policy decisions. Previously, she worked with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) where she analysed revenue, cost of compliance and administrative cost of tax revenue and expenditure policies affecting individuals, companies, superannuation funds, and trusts, to assist with policy development, performance, and evaluation.

Claire Alexander

Claire is Associate with DeltaPearl Partners. She is an expert financial management strategist with 20 years of experience in both the public and private sectors. She has particular experience working with local governments, the water industry and the tourism sector. Claire is a certified practising accountant with extensive knowledge and understanding of accounting and corporate governance principles. She regularly works with boards, audit committees, CEOs and external stakeholders to prepare financial statements. In addition to her CPA qualification, Claire has earned an MBA and degrees in commerce and business.

Saul Eslake

Saul is Associate with DeltaPearl Partners. He is one of Australia’s pre-eminent economists who has worked as a professional economist since 1979. He is primarily a world class commercial macroeconomist however, Saul has extensive experience in understanding a range of economic issues and advising governments at many levels. He has worked as the Chief Economist of a range of major commercial entities, including:

  • 1986 – 1991 McIntosh Securities
  • 1991 – 1995 Chief Economist (International) at National Mutual Funds Management, (then Australia’s second-largest life insurance company)
  • 1995 – 2009 Chief Economist of the Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)
  • 2009 – 2011 Director (part-time) in the Grattan Institute’s Productivity Growth Program and
  • 2011 – 2014 Australia & New Zealand Chief Economist for Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Saul has also held a number of important positions, including:

  • CEO of the Victorian Audit Commission (which undertook a wide-ranging enquiry into the fiscal position of the State of Victoria in 1992-93)
  • Member of the Howard Government’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Policy Advisory Councils
  • Member of the Rudd Government’s Long Term Tourism Strategy Steering Committee
  • Tasmanian Government’s Digital Futures Advisory Council
  • Member of a Steering Committee established by the Tasmanian Government to oversee the preparation of a business case for a Tasmanian team in the Australian Football League
  • Chair of the Tasmanian Arts Advisory Board (2005-11)
  • Member of the Board of the Australian Business Arts Foundation (2010-12)
  • Member of the Rudd and Gillard Governments’ National Housing Supply Council (2008-2013) and
  • Director of the University of Tasmania Foundation (2002-09).

Current positions Saul is filling, include:

  • Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Tasmania (since 2016)
  • Non-executive Director of Hydro Tasmania (since 2008)
  • Non-executive Director of Housing Choices Australia Ltd (since 2016)
  • Chairman of Ten Days on the Island, Tasmania’s bi-ennial statewide multi-arts festival (since 2015)
  • Member of the panel of expert advisors to Australia’s Parliamentary Budget Office
  • Member of the independent expert panel advising the Australian Taxation Office
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Jamieson Coote Bonds (an investment manager specializing in government bonds)
  • Patron of Working It Out, which provides support services to people negotiating their gender, sexuality or intersex status in Tasmania.

Dr Paul McFadyen

Paul is Associate with DeltaPearl Partners. He has more than 30 years of professional experience advising government on a wide variety of complex policy and infrastructure issues, including over 20 years working in Queensland Treasury. His work included major organisational restructures and whole of government reviews. He managed Treasury teams, coordinated the Queensland State Budget, coordinated design and development of the Queensland emergency water infrastructure including debt funding arrangements, completed many regulatory impact assessments, advised on COAG agenda and analysed Australian Government cyber policy and international telecommunications policy issues for OECD, Asia Pacific Telecommunity, and APEC TEL, and is highly experienced in NBN policy issues. In addition to Paul’s vast experience in government he has a PhD, Masters and Bachelor Degrees in Science from the University of Queensland, completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors Diploma, speaks Portuguese and has working knowledge of Spanish.

Mark Scanlan

Mark is Associate with DeltaPearl Partners. He has 26 years of experience in the application of economics to public policy, regulation and competition analysis around the world. He has led many project teams to evaluate and design policies, regulations, infrastructure decisions, market power controls, risk assessment, taxes, and advised on competition law cases. Mark has worked in government, non-government and private firms in New Zealand (NZ), United Kingdom (UK), Belgium, Germany, and Australia, and providing consulting services in many regions including the South Pacific, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Mark has been a major contributor to the development of telecommunications regulation in Europe and other countries. In NZ he worked at the Institute of Economic Research, Auckland University, Commerce Commission; in the UK he worked for OFTEL (UK telecommunications regulator) and Brunel University; in Australia he worked for the Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics and the Queensland Competition Authority; in Europe he worked for the European Commission and as a consultant for WIK and Digicel Ltd. In addition to his professional experience, Mark has an extensive list of published papers on a range of economic issues.

Jo Blades

Jo is Associate with DeltaPearl Partners. She has over 25 years’ experience spanning a range of areas in finance and economics that has been developed working in Government (Queensland Treasury Corporation), academia (Queensland University of Technology) and consulting (Synergies Economic Consulting). Her main areas of expertise include economic regulation, competition policy, risk management, project evaluation, financial analysis and social policy. During her time with Queensland Treasury Corporation she worked with a number of Local Governments on issues relating to debt and financial management. She also developed and delivered training courses on financial analysis, risk management and project evaluation in Local Government, including a training course on financial management for newly elected Councillors.

Robin Laver

Robin Associate with DeltaPearl Partners. She has 15 years’ experience as an economist in both the public and private sectors. Her skills include economic policy development, economic regulation, competition policy, contract negotiation, market design and stakeholder consultation. She is familiar withGovernment processes having worked for both Queensland and the Northern Territory Treasuries and has extensive regulatory experience in utilities including electricity, water and rail. In rail, she has worked for both the regulator (Queensland Competition Authority) and the regulated business (Aurizon) so has an appreciation of both stakeholder viewpoints. She also has experience in market design, particularly for the water sector having worked for the Water Commission to design and implement Queensland Government reforms introduced in response to the Millennium Drought. As a private sector corporate economist with Aurizon, a top 100 ASX listed company and Australia’s largest rail freight company, Robin developed skills in commercial advocacy and collaboration as part of multi-disciplinary teams consisting of engineering, legal, finance and communications experts. In addition she developed skills in stakeholder relations and commercial contract negotiation. Currently based in Townsville, she understands the economics of regional and remote areas having worked for the Power and Water Corporation in Darwin and Indigenous Essential Services for the Northern Territory Government. She served for three years on the board ofTraditional Credit Union, owned by indigenous members to service banking needs in remote communities.

Ian Martin

Ian Martin is Associate with DeltaPearl Partners. He has been a telecommunications analyst for over thirty years. He has been a leading equity analyst in the telecommunications sector since 1994 with BZW, ABN Amro, Macquarie Equities, RBS and CIMB. He had a lead roles in the Telstra IPO (1997), Telstra 2 (1999) and Telstra 3 (2006) and a range of other equity listings and advisory roles. He has written extensively on the impact of regulation on the telecommunications sector and the development of the National Broadband Network and was seconded to the NBN Strategic Review in 2013. Ian worked with the Australian Department of Communications for ten years until 1994 and played a key role in the development of competition and pro-competitive regulation in the telecoms sector. He worked on exchange with the US Federal Communications Commission and Oftel, the UK telecoms regulator, as well as consulting work for the OECD on telecommunications policy. Since 2015 Ian has operated his own telecommunications equity advisory business in Melbourne and writes and publishes investment research on the Australian and New Zealand telecommunications sector with New Street Research. Based in London, New York, Singapore and Melbourne, NSR is the leading global independent research house in the telecom, cable, towers and satellite space providing specialist equity investment research on over 150 companies in the sector across the globe as well as reports on major industry developments including regulation and emerging technology such as 5G.

Dr Judy Schneider

Judy is an Associate of DeltaPearl Partners based in Canberra. She has over 30 years’ of experience working on social and economic policy for the government, private and not for profit sectors and is skilled at evidence-based policy development and program implementation. Judy began her career as a researcher, and has over 10 years’ work experience at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Institute of Australian Health and Welfare, the Asia Development Bank and the UK Department of Employment. She completed a PhD at the UNSW Social Policy Research Centre on youth incomes policy for which she received two scholarships. Later, she worked in the Australian Government central agencies as a manager and senior executive providing social and economic policy advice to the Treasurer and Prime Minister. More recently, Judy has been a senior executive managing data and research functions at the former Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and has spent time implementing programs in the voluntary and not for profit sectors. This included 12 months working with Aboriginal leaders on health policy and programs at the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation. Judy has a Bachelor of Science (Honours Psychology) from the University of Adelaide, a Graduate Certificate in Public Policy from the Australian National University and a PhD from the University of New South Wales.

John West

John West is Associate at DeltaPearl Partners. John is also Executive Director of the Asian Century Institute and Adjunct Professor at Tokyo’s Sophia University where he teaches Asian economic development and Japanese business and economy. John has more than 40 years of experience in providing economic and policy advice to all levels of government around the world, with extended periods at the Australian Treasury, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Asian Development Bank Institute. His main expertise and interest relate to Asia’s economic, social and political development in the global economy. He has a Masters in Economics from Australia’s University of New South Wales and taught globalisation at the Paris-based Institut d’Etudes Politiques (“Sciences Po”). His latest book is “Asian Century… on a Knife-edge: A 360 Degree Analysis of Asia’s Recent Economic Development” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).